child sneeze                            woman sneeze

Red itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing and sneezing……Is this  happening to

you and/or your loved ones? Allergies do not just show up with foods and

the onset of Spring  will bring airborne allergens called Spring Allergies.

We are now enjoying our (later than usual) spring and the last thing we

want is to be held back by spring allergies!

Our family suffers from spring allergies that range from moderate to

intense reactions. There are a number of tried and tested remedies to take

on the allergy-causing particles in the air from the grass, plants and trees

that surround us. We have all heard of these remedies ranging from

antihistamines to decongestants. It’s just not fun when you have to

continually explain that the sneezing and runny nose is not a cold or a flu

and declare “don’t worry, it’s just my allergies”.

The symptoms can be especially difficult for  children who want to be

outdoors playing,  going to the park and participating in outdoor


Alternately, here are some natural remedies listed below that may help to

battle spring allergens. Thanks to for their input.

Top Ten Tips – Natural* Remedies for Spring Allergies:

1. Butterbur is an herb (comes from a European shrub) that has shown

potential for relief from seasonal allergies.

The butterbur extract called Ze399 has been shown to reduce symptoms as

effectively as over-the-counter and prescription drugs such as Allegra and


2. Quercetin is a flavonoid found naturally in onions, apples and black tea. It

has anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to block

histiminEs. Perhaps more of these in your diet during the spring season

might provide that extra boost to ward off stuffiness and sneezing.

3. Stinging nettle comes from the roots and leaves of the stinging nettle plant

(Urtica diocia) in newer and has been used by some in a freeze-dried

stinging nettle leaves form to treat allergy symptoms. There has not been

much research to date on this potential remedy.

4. Nasal irrigation is a simple process that uses a combination of warm

water, a quarter- teaspoon of salt and a quarter-teaspoon of baking soda

may assist in clearing  out mucus and opening the nasal passages. You can

use this method by way of a squeeze bottle or a neti-pot (a device that looks

like a small teapot).

5. Acupuncture has it’s fans who support it as allergy remedy, yet studies on

the subject have been mixed. Researchers advocate a large clinical trial for

a better understanding of the merits of acupuncture to fight spring


6. Immunotherapy for allergies,  also commonly known as “allergy shots”

involves exposure of the allergen in small amounts to the immune system.

Continuing with larger amounts of the allergen over  time, will serve to

teach the body to not see the allergen as as foreign invader and develop a

tolerance to it.

7.  Keeping Yourself  Clean  is a preventive and for some an effective way to

deal with the spring season allergens.  Start with increasing your showers

and most importantly having your shower at the end of the day, when

allergens may be present on the body and hair.  Cleaning clothes more

frequently will also help to keep allergens at bay.

8. Keeping your Surroundings Clean  can be accomplished by keeping

windows and doors closed, more frequent vacuuming and dustinG

of shelves and bookcases where pollen can collect.

9. Avoid outdoors during high pollen levels is best to minimize your allergy

reactions. If possible, stay indoors when it is high, especially in the

mornings when pollen counts peak.

10. Air Purifier /air conditioning are also good defenses to minimize air-

borne allergy particles.

While the above is not guaranteed to eliminate spring allergy symptoms, it

is a natural way to minimize the debilitating effects of spring time allergies.

Our family benefits from practicing the “clean routine” both personally and

with our surroundings. We can benefit from natural solutions and use over-

the-counter remedies, as needed. The  spring is a wonderful time of renewal

and growth. The natural remedies offered can help to make this time a

healthy and active one for all ages!

  * Any use of natural remedies that include herbs and plants should be

confirmed with a medical doctor to ensure there is no interference with

prescribed medications.