Allergy Explosion

With over 700,000+ Canadians suffering with allergies, the Allergy Explosion is here and real.

Allergy Info, Updates & Support: You Need It, We Need It. We gladly provide it.

So here we are, Moms of the estimated 2% of the Canadian population*, who have a child with a severe allergy.  As a mom mother of one of those children with a serious food allergy, (peanuts) I can relate to the fears, frustration, concern and worries that exist.  When our family was faced with this years ago in 1993, there was very little information and help.  Today I am inspired by all the changes and yet hope to be a part of an even larger change.

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Allergy Sufferers in Canada*
ER Visits Per Year in U.S.*
Main Food Allergens
Cures Available for Food Allergies

Be a part of this new Allergy Explosion Blog by signing up and sharing your stories, recipes, findings, tips!  Please fill out the form here so we can send you news/tips/stories and more!  Reply with your name, email, telephone # and the age, gender and serious food allergy of your child(ren). Please share with anyone you know how has children with serious food allergies to connect them to others going through the same situation. Become a part of the Allergy Guardian Blog!

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‘Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Silk Dairy Style

July 13th, 2024|0 Comments

There are endless chocolate chip recipes - fewer without egg for sure! Silk (dairy milk substitute) has offered a new egg free recipe for cookies using Silk milk! Recipes >  Chocolate Chip Cookies Vegan Dairy-Free Chocolate [...]

Tasty White Cake Made With Lemon Seltzer

July 13th, 2024|0 Comments

Success with White Cake Mix using Lemon Selzer as the egg replacement. Letting it cool for an hour before flipping over worked great with no crumbling! Thanks to Living with an Egg Allergy for sharing [...]

Groundbreaking Discovery of Cell Responsible for Remembering a Food Allergy!!

May 28th, 2024|0 Comments

Monumental discovery of a a cell shown to be responsible for remembering a food allergy is life changing for those with food allergies!! The power of this revelation is immense and the ability to deactivate [...]

“The Allergy Guardian really is a Guardian”

“WOW I don’t really know what else to say.  Candice helped our family so much by sharing her stories and information.  It can be so scary facing a life-threatening allergy.  Thank you so much for your information and invaluable support.  “ – A. Nibor Montreal,  Canada

Thanks for your suggestion to see a doctor for skin test for food allergies. I just thought it was normal for your nose to run after eating and thought it only had to do with ageing! What a difference it made for me! Gluten-free and feeling great!
Stephanie, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Avada Theme
I never knew how important it was to always ask about the hidden ingredients, even in a restaurant! So glad I asked – restaurants often use peanut oil to cook french fries. Do you know a kid that doesn’t eat french fries? Thanks Allergy Guardian!
Sue Beaconsfield, Quebec , Avada Theme
Great suggestion to make sure that the Epipen is always there – just like your backpack/keys, you don’t leave home without it as well as to have multiple Epipens. We are also now better at replacing them on a regular basis and checking their expiry!
Mona Montreal, Quebec, Avada Theme

300,000 Canadian Kids Suffer From Food Allergies

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