Monthly Archives: January 2024


Allergy Friendly Cherry Delight Dessert

Thanks to Reffors Easy Recipes for this delicious recipe that can be made and enjoyed with ingredient replacements needed. Pureed silken tofu can be used as the cream cheese replacement for a dairy allergy. Classic Cherry Delight  Serves: 6  Prep Time: 30 mins Rating: 5.0/5   ( 4 voted )  PIN  PRINT Ingredients Crust: 7 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 1/2 cups graham [...]

By | January 21st, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Exciting Developments Linking Gut Health to Food Allergies and Potential Prevention

The importance of gut health and it's role in food allergies is examined. Prior research has shown gut bacteria can prevent antigens from entering the bloodstream and bringing reactions. Recent research has highlighted how a specific type of Metabolite can be used to repair the gut lining to help treat food allergies and gastrointestinal diseases. [...]

By | January 20th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments