Food packaging on groceries these days has allergy alerts on numerous
items and not even frozen broccoli, in this case the Walmart brand, is
exempt! The following story shared by an allergy mom shows the surprise
and necessity to be safe while trying to understand how this is even placed
on products totally unrelated to the allergens. Legal protection against any
cross-contamination is thought to influence these precautions. National
safety standards in food production can ensure foods that are available for
Dianna CampanellaNNMG Food Allergic Families Forum March 10,2021
tSp5ohfnsmohred · READ every package! I can’t understand “why” milk, almonds, wheat & soy would be in frozen broccoli Don’t get me wrong I’m glad this has a warning
There went broccoli soup down the drain
My son is pn, tn, egg, & multiple environmental allergies

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