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Pumpkin Spice Cake!! Thanks to Katrina Belanger (Living With an Egg


Living with an Egg Allergy

Katrina Belanger  · 3January 27 0sal1et4 1a60:5ac61a 6tPM2a  · Pumpkin spice muffins or cake 😋. A lot of us have seen this but I just wanted to pop in with this gem again for any new folks who haven’t seen it. They are great plain (I do that most often for busy weeks, topped with a brown sugar crumble, or even cream cheese frosting now and again. Toddler approved y’all. ♥️♥️-One box spice cake mix-One whole can of pumpkin-That’s it! Bake the temp and time on box. ** sometimes at Thanksgiving I make this into a cake with cream cheese fr