Picture the current scenario. The classrooms are informed of vaccinations occurring at school for students. The only exceptions could be those who have a doctor’s note or allergy to the vaccine. The remaining students will receive the vaccination and the immunity from potentially fatal diseases.
What then happens to the food allergy population? Vaccines are known to contain a number of allergens, most notably egg, peanut oils and wheat. The ultimate outcome is a student who is either exposed to a dangerous substance in the vaccine or a student without a vaccine and the much needed immunity to the disease that is prevented. It can be a stressful time with no clear idea of reactions to the vaccine for the next few days.
As a parent, I have often asked about an alternative vaccination without any of the food allergens, only to be told that such a vaccine is not available. Over the last decade plus and numerous vaccines, there have been rashes, hives, upset stomach and more. This is “all too often” life for the food sensitive population.
Back in the day, up until the end of the Second World War, there were diseases and epidemics with potentially fatal outcomes. Vaccines emerged in the late 1940’s and continued through the early 1950’s and early 1960’s.
Routine vaccinations began in the 1960’s by way of the doctor’s office for infants and the school system for the primary education students. The emergence of food allergies has escalated in the last two decades and is gaining frequency in the last decade.
Recent allergy numbers taken from the 2016 Statistics Canada Survey showed the 3 most common allergens were peanut, tree nuts and shellfish. Peanut allergies from the 2016 Survey showed 2.4% of children (0-17 years) and 0.7% of adults (18 years+) were reported. Numbers here and in other food allergens have clearly been increasing over the last 2 decades
Without an approved cure for allergies, having scientific and governmental approval, there is an immediate need for allergen free vaccines available to all. New vaccine ingredient development, free of allergens, must be a priority in reaching that goal.
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