Tamara Hubbard, NNMG Food Allergy Families Forum has provided tips
and resources for living with allergies having control and peace of mind
instead of anxiety and negative thoughts.
Tamara Hubbard NNMG Food Allergy Families Forum May 10,2021
· Happy Food Allergy Awareness Week, all!
The Food Allergy Counselor Directory & Website is sharing allergy-related social and emotional tips for FAAW on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Sharing in case anyone finds them useful and doesn’t want to miss them.

The Food Allergy Counselor Directory & Website
· Today’s #FoodAllergyAwarenessWeek tip is focused on reframing anxious allergy thoughts. Let’s start with some helpful reminders about anxiety:
Anxiety is a useful emotion that helps us assess for safety, and prepares and motivates us towards action
Just because we feel physical sensations of anxiety or experience anxious thoughts, doesn’t mean things are bad or will go wrong.
It may not be realistic (or useful) to aim to completely get rid of anxiety; it’s more realistic to learn how to manage it or create a new relationship with it. One helpful strategy for managing anxious allergy thoughts is to reframe them. To help your mind develop more workable responses to them. Even the tiniest of mindset shifts can result in unhooking from the worry enough so you can focus on ways to move forward rather than stay stuck.
You can find the following worksheets (and more) to help manage allergy anxiety and worry on the Food Allergy Counselor website in the “Worksheets” section located at:
Managing Food Allergy Worries & What Ifs Worksheet
Food Allergy Thinking Traps Worksheet
Food Allergy Mindset Matters Worksheet
Oral Food Challenge anxiety-specific worksheets.
FA Community Question….what helps you or your child manage their allergy-related anxiety or worry?
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