U.S. Senate passes sesame as allergen

/Tag:U.S. Senate passes sesame as allergen

Natasha’s Legacy Update

Since Natasha's tragic passing after her sesame allergy attack in 2016, there have been strong, game-changing events in her honor. The establishment of the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation by her parents. The work and charity for the allergic group undertaken by her parents has resulted in Natasha's Law recognized with an Order of the British [...]

By | January 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sesame Closer to Being Labelled as Major Allergen

Sesame is moving toward being identified as a major allergen, and will join the other major 8 allergens as the 9th. The upcoming designation will further research and development into sesame as a major allergen. U.S. Senate Passes FASTER Act, Brings Sesame Labeling One Step Closer for Food Allergy Community S. 3451 will add sesame [...]

By | December 13th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments