adult onset allergies

/Tag:adult onset allergies

Adult Food Allergies

The start of food allergies in adulthood is not common and is surprising given the prevalence of allergies emerging in childhood. A large survey (Food Allergy and Education FARE) of 40,0000. adults in 2015-2016 found that 1 out of 10 adults has a food allergy. Half of these allergies began in adulthood. The most common [...]

By | September 7th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Adult Onset Allergies Growing

Allergies in adults were defined as those aged 18 years and over who became allergic to foods. Allergies in this group is growing and there was a doubling of allergies found in 2018 when compared to 2010 study. Of concern in the study was less than 50% of those with allergies had gone to see [...]

By | February 6th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments