***Wow, this is impressive and who knew that auafaba?sp.. from a can of
white beans would be the hero in the construction of the House!! Great
project for the holidays***

Jennifer Jones GabbertNNMG Food Allergic Families Forum
12h ยท I’m so excited! We have a yearly tradition of making gingerbread houses using the royal icing recipe because it’s so great at sticking things together, and when it hardens it’s like concrete. Raw egg whites are what makes it so good for sticking gingerbread houses together.Recently my daughter has been having contact reactions to unbaked egg and we need to get in to see the allergist (she is already pn/tn). Meanwhile, I was worried about that frosting, but finally decided on a vegan royal icing recipe, and I am so amazed! I used aquafaba (?) (the liquid in a can of garbonzo beans, but I used white beans) and it turned out just like just like regular royal icing – nice and sticky and perfect for gluing candy to gingerbread houses. (This year my mom made sugar cookie houses.)This probably doesn’t come as a surprise a lot of you egg allergy parents, but I thought I’d share the recipe here in case someone was looking for something like this. I based if off of my mom’s recipe and this recipe here:https://www.littleswissbaker.com/vegan-gingerbread-house
/9-10 Tbsp aquafaba (what I got out of 1 can white beans)
3/4 heaping tsp cream of tartar6-8 cups powdered sugar (almost a 2 lb bag)I beat the aquafaba and cream of tartar in my stand mixer until fluffy, then added a little powdered sugar at a time then mixed, until nice and thick and sticky (the right consistency).
Then you turn your mixer on for 3-5 minutes until it’s nice and glossy.
Add a tiny bit of water if it’s too thick, and a tiny bit of powdered sugar if it’s too thin.
I usually keep a damp cloth over the top of the bowl so it doesn’t get crusty while we’re working with it.
This was more than enough for my daughter’s house tonight, but I was glad I had more and not less and had to make another batch.
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