Thanks to Snack Safely and blogger David Bloom for this great Guide to safe
snacks to download! Main categories are snacks free from the following:
Peanut/Tree Nut, Milk, Sesame, Gluten and Custom Edition.

Spin the dreidel! Deck the halls! Light the kinara! The holidays are on their way and that means it’s time for the 2020 Holiday Editions of the Safe Snack Guide!
Whether you’re searching for seasonal gifts, festive products to serve at your home or classroom celebration, or baking supplies to make your own holiday creation, the Safe Snack Guide Editions are your go-to resource!
We say “Editions” because the Safe Snack Guide is now a family of guides to serve those with a variety of dietary restrictions. Joining our traditional Peanut & Tree Nut Free guide this year, you’ll also find our Milk (Dairy) Free, Sesame Free, and Gluten Free guides to help you find products that meet your family’s specific allergen restrictions. (And if your family is juggling a number of allergen restrictions, try tailoring your own Custom guide to meet any combination of 11 allergens.)Click to visit sponsor
Best of all, each guide is interactive: click any entry to see precisely how that product is manufactured with respect to the 11 allergens we track (peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, fish, crustacean shellfish, sesame, mustard, and gluten) including shared line/facility information you won’t find on the label or anywhere else, as well as links to the product’s store finder, website and Amazon page.
In addition to the usual 40+ categories of over 2500 products from 140+ manufacturers ranging from soups and breadcrumbs to protein bars and chips, this Holiday edition of your guide has a section devoted to Christmas and Chanukkah themed items that meet your specific allergen exclusions!
Let’s Get Started! Click on your guide of choice to download yours:

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