Allergy Cards Provided at Resort on International Vacation

Great idea for a Resort to assist the allergy population in communicating

food allergies with cards in English and local language while on vacation at

international locations.

NNMG Food Allergic Families Forum

Myrna Hollins  · 20m  ·  I forgot to post this once we came back from our family vacation in December to Punta Cana DR, the resort gave us these cards for my daughter to take to every restaurant we ate at on the property.

May be an image of text that says '10 SE SOY ALERGICO LA SEMILLA DE SESAMO. Royallon Memoriés ALLERGICTO CHERRIES. SOY ALERGICO A LAS CEREZAS. Helb preserve environment this us. Memor ALLERGIC Το COCONUT Royalton Punt SOY ALERGICO AI COco. Memories Splash Royalton PuntaCana allergict allgcn peanuts tree treenuts SOY ALERGICO ALOS MANIES, LAS NUECESY CACHUATES Help preserve environment this Ûu'