

The WHY of Food Allergies

The WHY of Food Allergies has a very real and personal component to it in the midst of the scientific definition of the sudden & extreme reaction of the food allergy: The WHY as a parent and protector is shock, disbelief and needing an answer. As parents, we introduce foods to our children slowly and [...]

By | January 19th, 2015|Allergy Symptoms, Peanuts, Personal Experiences, Working with MDs|0 Comments

Top 3 Ways to Make Holiday Events Safe for Serious Food Allergy Population!

Talk to your child(ren) about safe food choices for the Holiday - avoid any foods that may have serious food allergy ingredients present, including those foods where there is no information on the ingredients. (use any pics in the blog that you can see that work in the images folder) Talk to the person in [...]

By | December 10th, 2014|Allergy Friendly, Creative, Nuts, Peanuts|0 Comments